Whats the Bloody Point?
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Scamorama says - 10 euros makes you world champion !!

From: scamorama.com
To: whatsthebloodypoint.com
Date: Wed 21/05/2003 00:43
Subject: Re: Scammer hands over 10 Euro!

Dear Bloody,
Thank you for getting in touch again.
We are honored to add your site to the FUNNY LINKS (see section W).
Yours is in red because you actually acquired cash from a Lad.
10 euros makes you world champion in cash terms.
The other takings we have heard of are:
$US 3 Philippines
$US 5 Quebec
$? (some gold dust) USA

The dollar doing so dismally, you are definitely in front. ;>

Congratulations! and best scamalicious wishes.

Scamorama are at www.scamorama.com

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